Емі Джеймс - письменник книги MotoCMS 3 Шаблон цільової сторінки

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Емі Джеймс - письменник книги MotoCMS 3 Шаблон цільової сторінки

Створено: 29 груд. 2017 р.

Оновлено: 29 груд. 2017 р.

ID: 66372

Цей продукт тимчасово недоступний

Емі Джеймс - письменник книги MotoCMS 3 Шаблон цільової сторінки - Features Image 1Емі Джеймс - письменник книги MotoCMS 3 Шаблон цільової сторінки - Features Image 2Емі Джеймс - письменник книги MotoCMS 3 Шаблон цільової сторінки - Features Image 3

Журнал змін

Amy James v1.2 (13 September, 2018): - PayPal payment and donate buttons were added; - Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version; - Bugs fixed. Amy James v1.1 (17 May, 2018): - Added pop-up window functionality to allow users create and edit pop-ups;- Tabs widget was added to allow users organize content effectively; - Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version; - Bugs fixed.

1 Відгуків про цей товар

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I liked this template. The pictures are professional, I even used some of them in my project. It has many sections and they are with beautiful styles. The installation was easy to do, I hope I can handle the optimization. Unlike other templates, I would say that this one loads quite quickly both on the computer and on the phone, I think it was well thought out when it was built. I think it's simple and worth the money.

0 Коментарі до цього продукту

Про автора

Guru Author

Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (16 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 14 4 0 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik


Пов'язані теми:

Письменник, Освіта, Книги


Additional Info:

Gallery Script:


Moto CMS Widgets:

Web Forms:

Вимоги до програмного забезпечення та хостингу:

Curl Curl
The mod_rewrite Apache module The mod_rewrite Apache module
PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4 PHP 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 or 7.4
MySQL 5.1+ MySQL 5.1+
Spl Spl
Reflection Reflection
Json Json